The Stone of Emotional Healing and Forgiveness
Compassion- Recovery- Forgiveness
Rediscover inner gifts and bring love into the world, remember soul-purpose of incarnation, serve the highest good, discover true passion and skills, enhance power in those with altruistic intentions. Supports Heart and Root Chakras, efficient energy processing, and vitality of body and spirit. Believed to support detoxification and healing of organs, reduce swelling and inflammation, and stimulate metabolism. Use when feeling panicked and/or anxious.
Love, Emotional Healing, Forgiveness, Compassion, Balance, Confidence, Self-Love, Inner Growth, Peace, Healing, Tranquility, Comfort, Grounding, Protection, Release
Emotional Properties
Healing, Balance, Love, Grounding, Transformation, Enhances Intuition, Enhances Psychic Ability, Spiritual Awakening, Protection during Psychic and Spiritual Work, Cosmic Awareness and Consciousness
Spiritual Properties
Healing, Balance, Love, Grounding, Transformation, Enhances Intuition, Enhances Psychic Ability, Spiritual Awakening, Protection during Psychic and Spiritual Work, Cosmic Awareness and Consciousness
Weight- 400 Grams
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